
and i miss the way i fell i fell into your arms each day

My heart is in a bind
and it feels like only
Chris &
know what I'm going though.

But there is a void that
can't get filled
no matter how loud
the words play though
my speakers.
The words that speak
of heartbreak and
lost love
make everything seem
without him here.

It goes though the
verse and bridge
with emotion and
devotion in every
word of every line.
The story begins to
unfold now.
The girl never noticing the boy.
The boy not having the guts to say how he feels.
The boy missing the girl.

A chorus is where
the anger and pain
and love are poured
out into the open
and the moral of the story
is being shared.
The pure love that is
being shared with
such passion has every girl
going weak in the knees.

The song is on repeat and
the message is played over
and over
and over
and over
and suddenly
the void is being filled
and you fell less
lonely thanks to
Chris &


Fever 2 Tell

So, I found this on this other blog, http://fever2tell.wordpress.com/, and I thought it was super cool.

1) You know that thing you have been dying to try but you’re afraid to because you think you aren’t smart enough, talented enough, cool enough, tough enough or attractive enough to do it? You are.
2) While we’re at it, you know all those people who are already doing that thing you want to do? Most of them aren’t any smarter or more talented than you. Chances are the only difference between you and them is that they decided they could do it.
3) It is not your job to make everybody you know like you, agree with you and think you are smart and wonderful and right all the time. In fact, chances are that if you are living your life according to your principals, everyone around you isn’t going to like you agree with you or think you are smart and wonderful 100% of the time. That’s OK. You don’t need to define your worth in terms how much others like you.
4) It is perfectly OK to spend time focusing on the relationships in your life that are mutually beneficial and to let go of those that are not.
5) Don’t ever waste time dating or being friends with someone who makes you feel “less than” or someone you can’t trust our be yourself around.
6) It’s OK to be busy sometimes with lots of different projects. Someday you’ll look back on your life and say, “I can’t believe I did all that cool stuff!”
7) It is also OK to say no to things and unplug your computer, turn off your phone and pretend to not be home for a night.
8. Self care is not vanity or self-indulgence. Taking care of yourself does not mean you are weak and lazy. In the end, your mental, emotional and physical health is all you’ve got so do your best to preserve it! If you are healthy you will do better at your job and be a better partner, lover, friend, artist, etc.
9) Taking time to connect with your true friends is worth it, even if it always seems like there is never enough time.
10) Following your curiosity is always worth it. Money spent on travel and education is also always worth it. That being said, don’t live on credit. Figure out what you can live without in order to afford living that adventurous lifestyle you crave.
11) Don’t let somebody else’s dreams or expectations of you define what you want to do with your life.
12) Don’t dwell on your most negative interpretation of yourself. If you spend too much time being self-critical, you’ll never learn what your strengths are or become a better person.
13) Identify a few core things about yourself that you are proud of, things about you that will never change regardless of your life situation. Use those things as a touchstone to come back to when you are questioning who you are, when somebody else isn’t treating you right, or you need to make a major life decision.
14) Learn to like the body you are in. Work on trying to love it.
15) Never ever be afraid to speak up for yourself.
16) Everything you need is right inside you. You can’t always get what you need from other people, so learn how to achieve goals and feel good about yourself independently without somebody elses’ approval or support.
17) That being said, no woman is an island. Learn how to ask for love, care and support when you need it. Sometimes your loved ones can’t read your mind.
18) You are smart, don’t downplay your accomplishments. Just stand securely with them.
19) If you are itching to take a risk or make a change, chances are it is a good risk or change, chances are you will be successful in your venture. Don’t ever be afraid of the future. Just do it.
20) You always deserve to strive for more, be it more happiness, more life fulfillment, more love, more adventure, a more satisfying job, whatever. If you want it and you are willing to work hard to get it, you owe it to yourself to go for it. Settling for life being just OK is never enough. Strive to be enormously satisfied with everything you do, set realistic incremental goals and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t get exactly what you want right away. In the words of Cheetah Rivera, “Try not to take yourself too seriously, but always take your work seriously.”


What Is Love?

I'm in love with Never Shout Never.
The End.



He sat in a diner eating a veggie burger and French fries covered in ketchup. The tattoos that covered his arms wasn’t what first got me looking. It wasn’t his goofy smile or the way he was in his 20’s and still went out to eat with his parents.
It was the canvas TOMS on his feet.
I had to meet him if only for a moment. To just let him know that there was someone else out there in the world that wore TOMS. Sending my friend to give him my number because I could not let this socially conscious person pass me by. Knowing that because he bought those shoes a child somewhere was wearing a pair made my heart swell.

She sat there staring at me. Her smile was adorable but I tried not to look at girls while eating out with my parents. But she was sweet and I really liked her shoes. Any girl who can pull off TOMS is a good one in my book.
But it was her friend that walked over.
My heart sank quickly but the piece of paper that was in her hand was from Cute TOMS Girl. A series of numbers awaited me upon opening it and I felt like I was on Cloud 9,000.

What was supposed to be mere flirtation turned into dinner the following night.
Which turned into exchanging e-mail addresses.
Which turned into nightly phone calls.
Which turned into missing him terribly while he was in Kenya.
Which turned into a trip to New York with him.

The diamond ring weighed my pocket down with its promise.
And her never ending smile,
which first made me notice her
established that what I was doing was